Making Regional Manufacturing Globally Competitive
12th February 2025

SIMS 2018

2nd International Symposium on Small-scale Intelligent Manufacturing Systems

16 – 18 April 2018
FARNHAM ESTATE Spa & Golf Resort, Cavan, Ireland

Cavan was the venue for the Second International Symposium on Small-scale Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (SIMS 2018) hosted at the Farnham Estate Spa & Golf Resort, Cavan from 16-18 April 2018. SIMS is the leading international forum for academic and industrial experts to disseminate information on the most recent theories, practices and research results in the field of Small-scale Intelligent Manufacturing Systems.

Small-scale Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (SIMS) is an emerging concept and is of paramount importance for improving and enhancing the competitiveness and sustainability of manufacturers, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, in order to survive in today’s rapidly changing market. SIMS aims at incorporating state-of-the-art technologies with leading edge management methods for achieving continuous improvement in flexibility, reliability, productivity and sustainability of manufacturing systems, in order to provide customers with highly customized products at reasonable price and rapid delivery.

This high level academic symposium, organised under the auspices of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE), and the Institute of Education Sciences (IES), brought together senior academics from universities in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Germany, Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Welcoming the symposium delegates, Minister Heather Humphreys T.D., Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation, Government of Ireland, said that the theme of the conference was perfectly in line with Irish government policy on enterprise innovation. Minister Humphreys acknowledged the work being done within SIMS and paid tribute to Cavan Innovation and Technology Centre, Local Enterprise Office Cavan and South West College for their proactive role in bringing the symposium to Cavan.

Keynote presentations were made by leading academics:-

  • Prof. Dr. Seán McLoone, Queen’s University Belfast (QUB), Northern Ireland.
    Topic: Greedy search meets spatial dynamic sampling – a manufacturing informatics story.
  • Prof. Dr. Bjørn Solvang, UiT – The Arctic University of Norway (Honorary Chair SIMS 2018).
    Topic: Digitalization….our journey: Perspective from education and research.
  • Professor Dr Denis Dowling, University College (UCD).
    Topic: Achieving enhanced manufacturing competitiveness through the wider adoption of Industry 4.0.
  • Dr John Moore, South West College (Member of SIMS 2018 organising committee).
    Topic: The NPA TARGET Project and engagement with manufacturing industry; a College perspective.
  • Prof. Dr. Géza Husi, University of Debrecen, Hungary (General Co-chair SIMS 2018).
    Topic: Presenting on Computer-aided opportunities in modernization of residential buildings.

A large number of high quality academic papers where presented over the two days on a wide variety of themes, including Robotics and Automation; Innovative Product Design and Optimisation; Additive Manufacturing; Intelligent Manufacturing; Environmental Management and Safety, Utilization of 3D printing; The Internet of things and Information Security. The papers can be viewed on

Papers on the following topics were presented at the symposium:

Paper Title Authors
1 Online task distribution simulation in smart factories Maria Tsourma,
Stylianos Zikos,
Anastasios Drosou,
Dimitrios Tzovaras
2 Innovations & Industrial Internet: research for regional growth and competitiveness Åsa Ericson,
Johan Wenngren,
Heidi Kaartinen,
Sakari Pieskä,,
Wei Deng Solvang,
Gabor Sziebig
3 Towards the Self-Powered Internet of Things (IoT) by Energy Harvesting: Trends and Technologies for Green IoT Afghan Syeda Adila,
Almusawi Husam,
Géza Husi
4 Recent Trends in Robotic Systems for Upper-Limb Stroke Recovery: A Low-Cost Hand and Wrist Rehabilitation Device Almusawi Husam,
Abdul Kareem,
Afghan Syeda Adila,
Géza Husi
5 Computer-aided opportunities in modernization of residential buildings Emese Sarvajcz-Bánóczy,
Peter Tamás Szemes,
Géza Husi
6 Machine Learning Algorithms for estimating Powder Blend Composition using Near Infrared Spectroscopy Niall O’Mahony,
Trevor Murphy,
Krishna Panduru,
Daniel Riordan,
Joseph Walsh
7 Application of Additive Manufacturing in Design & Manufacturing Engineering Education Shane G. Keaveney,
Denis P. Dowling
8 Location-based Analysis and Optimization of Service Network Performance: A Case Study Shuo Yang,
Hao Yu,
Wei Deng Solvang
9 Making Information Security Research Great Again: Assumptions and Practical Aspects of Case-Study Research in Information Security Martin Lundgren
10 Manufacturing SME’s A Sustainable Approach – A Sustainable Leader Edel Kathleen McCusker
11 Automation of a paper-based waste tracking system Flannagán Noonan,
Sunil Maharjan,
Andrew Shields,
Daniel Riordan,
Joseph Walsh,
and Pat Doody
12 Utilizing 3D Printing in Manufacturing Companies – Comparative Demonstration in a Company Case Heidi Kaartinen,
Tero Köyhäjoki,
Johan Wenngren,
Erlend Bjørk
13 Online innovation supports Åsa Ericson,
Johan Lugnet,
Johan Wenngren,
Heidi Kaartinen
14 Simulation and Programming Experiences of Collaborative Robots for Small-scale Manufacturing Sakari Pieskä,
Jari Kaarela
and Jari Mäkelä
15 Evaluation of Energy Measurements for Error Detection in Press-Fitting Processes Christian Sand,
Moritz Meiners,
Jonathan Eberle,
Jörg Franke
16 Environmental Management Toolkit for SMEs in the NPA – A Model of Engagement Christine Irvine,
John Moore
17 Case Study: Impact of Auxiliary Energy in Manufacturing Operations Malachy McElholm,
Jim Harkin,
Abdul Razaq,
Liam Maguire
18 The Devil is in the Detail: The Link Between Building Regulatory Processes, On-Site Inspection, Verification and Technology David Comiskey,
Robin Stubbs,
Xiaowei Luo,
Trevor Hyde
and Erin O’Kane

Local Organizing Committee
Vincent Reynolds, John Moore, Marcella Rudden

Cavan Innovation & Technology Centre

